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    来源:深圳市绿航星际太空科技研究院 日期:2020年05月20日  字体:【大】【中】【小】  浏览量:6177




    “弘扬航天精神 拥抱星辰大海”为主题的





    采访联合国外空司司长Ms.Simonetta Di Pippo,



    联合国外空司司长Ms.Simonetta Di Pippo



    联合国外空司司长Ms.Simonetta Di Pippo曾于2018年9月应研究院邀请,莅临研究院访问,开展航天国际合作实地考察。

    携手翱翔太空 谋求共同利益


    研究院:Since 2017, the Chinese Office of MannedSpace Engineering has worked closely with the United Nations Office for OuterSpace Affairs. The Chinese government and the United Nations have opened thedoor to China ’s space station to allcountries. At present, the research and construction of the Chinese spacestation is being carried out in an orderly manner. So on the basis of thecurrent cooperation, what kind of evaluation and expectations do you have forthe China Space Station project?(2017年以来,中国载人航天工程办公室与联合国外空司紧密合作,中国政府携手联合国向各国敞开中国空间站大门,目前,中国空间站研制建设工作正在有序开展,计划于2022年前后建成并投入使用。那么在目前合作的基础上,您对于中国空间站项目有着什么样的评价和期待?)

    Ms.Simonetta Di Pippo:

    China launched its human space flightprogram by 1992. Since then, the program developed extremely fast and there issteady manner with each successive mission lying the foundation for the nextstep.(中国自1992年就启动了载人航天飞行计划。从那以后,这个项目发展得非常快,每一次任务的成功都奠定了下一步行动的基础。)

     As of now, China is one of the only 3nations, countries with own capacity send its astronauts into space, and returnthem safely to earth. Just 27 years, since the Chinese human space mannedprogram swaps china’s constructing its own space station and it’s willing towork with united nations to open this opportunity to all countries bring thebenefits of human kind.(到目前为止,中国是仅有的三个有能力将宇航员送入太空并安全返回地球的国家之一。时隔27年,中国载人航天工程完成后,中国开始建设自己的空间站,并且中国愿与联合国共同努力,向世界各国开放这一造福人类的机遇。)

     China’s own program will also progressingwell and achieving great results. Dispect China to bring great contributions tomore and more space stations in the future. In 2019, UNOOSA and CNSA signed tocooperate in responding the benefits of and access to data from China’s lunarand space program missions to the international community. In particular, theparties will work together to encourage countries to actively participant inChina’s lunar and its space mission and to promote the development oftechnological capabilities and scientific progress in this fields and globallevel in lane with the human space mission to bring the benefits of space toall human kind. We look forwardto advancing joined work on this exciting cooperation.(中国自己的项目也将进展顺利,取得巨大成果。希望中国未来能越来越多的为空间站做出巨大贡献。2019年,联合国外空司和中国国家航天局签署了《关于在中国月球和深空探测中开展合作的协定》合作协议,以应对中国月球和空间计划任务向国际社会提供数据的好处和获取数据的途径。特别是,双方将共同努力,鼓励各国积极参与中国的月球和太空任务以提升技术能力的发展和科学进步,同载人空间任务一起将从太空取得的利益分享给全人类。我们期待着推进这一令人兴奋的合作。)

     So on theoccasion of 5th of China’s outer space day, I wish to congrats ourChina friends on the impressive achievements of Chinese space program. UNOOSAlooks forward to the world cooperation even more in the future to bring the benefitsof space to everyone everywhere.(值此第五个中国航天日之际,我谨向中国朋友们祝贺中国航天事业取得的巨大成就。联合国外空司也更加期待未来的世界合作,并把太空所带来的益处带给世界各地的每一个人。)

    研究院:Webelieve that the China Space Station will become a national space laboratory.With such a unique space science and technology experimental platform,scientists from all over the world will have the opportunity to use preciousspace resources to commit to scientific discovery and use China ’s space station to benefit Human beings, and you think that in the current cooperation projects,which technological elements are combined with ordinary people's beautiful lifescenes, there are highlights and worth looking forward to?(我们相信中国空间站,它将成为一个国家太空实验室,在如此独特环境下的太空科学技术实验平台上,全世界的科学家都将有机会用珍贵的太空资源致力于科学发现,运用中国的空间站造福人类,而您认为在目前合作的各个项目中,哪些科技元素于普通人的美好生活场景结合有亮点和值得期待?)

     Ms.Simonetta Di Pippo:

    The research areas proposed by the winnersincludes space medicine, space life science, biotechnology, micro-gravity,fluid physics, micro-gravity combustion, astronauts manned space technologies,each of these areas can bring concealable benefits for development in humanlife here in the earth.(获奖者提出的研究领域包括空间医学、空间生命科学、生物技术、微重力、流体物理学、微重力燃烧、航天员载人航天技术等,每一个领域的研究都能给地球上人类生活的健康发展带来隐蔽性的好处。)

     For the example, one of the winners, by Dr.Twisha plans to leverage the unique micro-gravity conditions to test whether itcould help in reducing tumors. Given its great thought, both UNOOSA and CNSAare interested and potentially expounding our cooperation in the future toleverage even more the possibilities for space science exploration in technologyto improve lives.(举个例子,其中的一个获胜者,特维沙博士,计划利用独特的微重力条件来测试它是否有助于减少肿瘤的发生。鉴于其伟大的创新,联合国外空司和中国国家航天局都有兴趣并可能听取我们未来的合作,以便在未来有更多可能性利用空间科学探索技术来改善生活。)

    研究院:What would you say about the development ofChina's manned spaceflight in recent years?(对于中国载人航天近几年的发展如果要做一个评价的,您会怎么说?)

      Ms.Simonetta Di Pippo:

    The cooperation with China is extremely significant for UNOOSA. Theopportunity for teams from all over the world to compete to fly experiments onboard the future China’s space station which we launched with CNSA in 2018 is aunique example of international sodality in space.(与中国的合作对UNOOSA来说意义非凡。来自世界各地的团队有机会在未来的中国空间站上进行飞行实验。2018年,我们与中国国家航天局一起发射了未来的中国空间站,这是一个独特的国际空间社交活动的例子。)

    Up to 42 applications received from organizations in 27 countries, 9winning teams were selected composed the participant from Belgium, China ,France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Russia,Spain and Switzerland. The 9 countriesamong winners highlight the large international range in this project in justone cycle. All applications are carefully evaluated by a team around 60 expertsfrom UNOOSA,CNSA and theinternational community.(来自27个国家的42份申请中,9支优胜队伍被选出,分别来自比利时、中国、法国、德国、印度、意大利、日本、肯尼亚、墨西哥、荷兰、挪威、秘鲁、波兰、沙特阿拉伯、俄罗斯、西班牙和瑞士。获奖的9个国家队伍突出表明了该项目在一个周期内的巨大国际影响力。来自联合国外空司、中国国家航天局和国际社会的约60名专家对所有申请进行了仔细评估。)

     The cooperation which will open the unique China space station. Tothe selected teams, it’s part of the UNOOSA access to pay all the nation tipswhich aims to reach the gap among the countries and its benefits.(这次合作将开启独一无二的中国空间站。对于选定的团队,这是UNOOSA支付经费的一部分,目的是弥补国家之间的差距及其带来的好处。)




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